
United Body of CHRIST Church is an online ministry, where people can get to know GOD through HIS only begotten SON, the LORD JESUS CHRIST!  We are a Word- based ministry with a strong focus on faith, family and your walk with our SOVERIGN GOD through a better understanding of the bible which is HIS WORD, and a sense of the depth of HIS love for us.  Everyone is welcome! It's our desire to create a space where people can have biblical authentic encounters with CHRIST, discover their gifts and use them for GOD's glory. Join us for our weekly recordings!

This Week's Bible Study

Micah chapters 1 & 2

The book of the prophet Micah (similar to that of Isaiah) was written shortly before the Northern Kingdom’s fall in 722 B.C. Micah warned of judgment to both the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms due to their sinfulness. The lesson in Micah shows that persistent sin has severe consequences. Yet we are invited to turn from our sinful ways and we are reminded of GOD's desire for us to live in holiness and obedience unto Him, for GOD is always ready to forgive, heal, and restore.